


We have created this statement to provide you with clear and understandable information regarding our privacy practices when you are accessing or using our website (292651.chinaqinyu.com or its local equivalents) so that you can make informed choices about the use of your personal data by SGS.

通过我们的网站访问其他全球彩票app或应用程序时, 请阅读可能适用于他们的具体隐私条款.

SGS reserves the right to update this statement from time to time by publishing a new version online. 本声明最后一次更新于2018年5月.

当此声明指SGS时, 这意味着SGS是您数据的控制者, 也就是你所拥有的SGS附属公司, have or will have a business relationship or that otherwise decides which of your data is collected and how it is used, 以及SGS SA(注册号CHE-105).923.438年瑞士). 您可以通过访问 办公室目录.

SGS collects personal data that you provide to us directly when you request information about our services; subscribe to our website services, 电子邮件 notifications and/or newsletters; make an enquiry through our different enquiry forms and helplines such as our Integrity Helpline; or carry out a transaction or place an order through our website. 这可能包括:

  • 识别和联系数据,如姓名, 姓, 职称, 电话号码, 电子邮件, 地址和国家
  • 财务和交易数据,如信用卡详细信息
  • 您自愿与我们分享的任何信息,如反馈, 通过我们的热线提供的意见或信息 

当您访问我们的网站时,SGS也会自动收集您的个人资料. 这可能包括:

  • 设备信息,如IP地址, 参考网站, 您的设备访问的SGS页面以及您的设备访问我们网站的时间
  • Internet日志信息及详细信息, 通过我们的第三方(如Google Analytics)收集的信息, 这并不能明确指明你的身份
  • cookies收集的信息(欲了解更多信息,请参阅 饼干的政策)


  • To improve our website with the objective of ensuring that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device
  • To send 电子邮件 and communicate with you via 电子邮件 regarding our services and events which may be of interest to you if this is in accordance with your marketing preferences
  • 分析您对我们网站的使用情况,以进行趋势监测和推广
  • 回应查询及意见,并透过沟通渠道为阁下提供支援, 例如客户或呼叫中心支持
  • 保证我们网站的安全并遵守我们的法律要求和义务
  • 执行或完成您在SGS集团网站上的任何交易或订单
  • 设置和管理您的用户帐户
  • 与SGS集团旗下公司分享,以便他们为您提供产品或全球彩票app 
  • 用于我们在收集个人资料前通知您的任何其他新目的

SGS shares and transfers your personal data as described here and only in accordance with all privacy practices and local privacy requirements. 我们偶尔会分享一些无关个人的东西, 匿名和统计数据与第三方为我们自己的业务目的.


  1. To other SGS Group companies and those companies in which SGS owns more than 50% where it is necessary to meet the purpose for which you have submitted your personal data and in particular if necessary for the provision of services, 帐户管理, 销售, 营销和支持. 我们采取措施确保SGS分支机构, 包括位于欧洲经济区以外的公司, 遵守我们的全球数据保护政策, 本隐私声明和处理个人数据时适用的当地法律.
  2. Occasionally to third party contractors and providers which perform certain functions on behalf of SGS, 比如取样品和送样品, 履行检验订单, 发送电子邮件, 从客户列表中删除重复信息, 分析数据和处理信用卡付款, 直销全球彩票app, 云托管全球彩票app. These parties only have access to such information as necessary to perform their functions and may not use it for any purpose other than to provide services to us.
  3. 出于某种原因, 由SGS全权决定, SGS认为这样做是合理的, 包括满足任何定律, 规定, or governmental or legal requests for such information; in the event of a merger, 出售, 重组, 收购, 合营企业或受让方披露的信息有必要识别, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Business Principles values or other terms and conditions; or to otherwise protect the SGS Group of companies.

SGS will retain your personal data for the period of time that is necessary to fulfill the original purposes for which it has been collected. Please keep in mind that in certain cases a longer retention period may be required or permitted by law or to allow SGS to pursue its business interests, 进行审计, 遵守我们的法律义务, 执行我们的协议或解决任何争议.


  • How long is the data needed to provide you with our products or services or to operate our business?
  • 您在我们这里有账户吗? 在这种情况下, we will keep your data while your account is active or for as long as needed to provide the services to you
  • 我们是否有法律、合同或类似的义务来保留您的数据? 示例可以包括适用司法管辖区的强制性数据保留法律, 政府命令保存与调查有关的数据, 或出于合同或诉讼目的而必须保留的数据

SGS follows strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us in order to prevent unauthorized access, 遗失或毁坏您的个人资料. 这些可能包括:

  • 物理安全措施, 有上锁的门和文件柜, controlled access to our facilities and secure destruction of media containing your personal data
  • 技术保障措施, 如使用杀毒软件和端点保护软件, and monitoring of our systems and data centers to ensure that they comply with our security policies 
  • 组织保障措施, 比如关于安全和隐私的培训和意识项目, to make sure employees understand the importance and means by which they must protect your personal data

SGS不寻求收集敏感的个人数据(也称为特殊类别的数据). 如果我们这样做,我们将始终按照当地的数据隐私要求收集数据. 如果您选择向我们提供未经请求的敏感个人资料, you will be asked to consent to our processing of such data on a case-by-case basis by using a specific express consent form.

SGS不会故意收集或索取16岁以下人士的个人资料. 如果你未满16岁, please speak to your parent/guardian to get their permission before you provide any personal information to SGS because without this consent, 您不得向我们提供您的个人资料. 如果我们得知我们收集的数据来自16岁以下的人, 我们保留在不事先通知或同意的情况下删除该等资料的权利.


We are committed to ensuring that you can exercise your right of access and you can control your data.

如果你已经注册了一个帐户 292651.chinaqinyu.com 和/或其本地等价物, you may directly and autonomously access your online profile and other personal details and update, 修改, 如果法律允许的话, add or delete the data about yourself by logging into the applicable website or service with your account credentials.

否则, 按照我们的内部程序, 我们将响应如下所述的请求. 所有请求均应通过我们的 网上私隐要求表格 或通过“联系我们”一节中所述的书面联系我们:

  • 查阅个人资料: you have the right to request what personal data we hold about you subject to our right to identity verification. 如果您要求获得您的数据副本, 我们可能会向您收取费用, 除非当地法律不允许这样做.
  • 更正和删除: 在一些司法管辖区, 包括欧盟(根据欧盟数据主体的数据保护法), you have the right to correct or 修改 your personal data if it is inaccurate or needs to be updated. 您也有权要求删除您的个人信息, however this may not be always possible due to legal requirements and other obligations to keep such data. 如果我们被要求删除您的数据, we may keep some minimal information about you to be able to demonstrate that we have fulfilled our obligations.
  • 提出投诉: Any complaints about our adherence to the practices described in this Statement shall be addressed as described here. 在一些司法管辖区, including according to data protection laws in the EU for complaints issued from subjects in the EU, 您有权向数据保护机构提出正式投诉.
  • 营销的偏好: SGS可能会定期向您发送有关我们全球彩票app的营销信息, 通过不同的渠道,比如电子邮件, 电话, 短信, 邮政邮件和第三方社交网络, 根据相关的市场法律. 当适用法律要求时,我们将在开始这些活动之前征得您的同意.

为了给您提供最好的个性化体验, 这些通信可能会根据您的偏好通过使用我们的 订阅中心. 我们的目标电子邮件包含使用网络信标的电子邮件信息, Cookies和类似的技术可以让我们知道您是否打开, 阅读或删除邮件以及您打开的链接. 当您打开来自SGS的营销电子邮件中的链接时, we will also use a cookie to log what pages you view and what content you download from our websites, 即使您没有注册或登录到我们的网站.

除了, you can exercise your right to prevent marketing communications to you by opting out of 电子邮件s we send to you. 在这种情况下, we will retain minimum personal data to note that you opted out in order to avoid contacting you again. 请注意,即使您选择不接收营销通讯, 您可能仍会收到我们的行政通讯, 例如我们产品或全球彩票app的技术更新, 订单确认, 关于您的帐户活动的通知, 还有其他重要的注意事项.
